:: HMRI ::
Total 200건 1 페이지
  • 199 Effects of On-Campus and Off-Campus Smartphone Overdependence Prevention Programs Among University S…
  • 일시 2022.10 학술지 Asian Nursing Research 저자 JS Yu, OK Ham, MS Kwon
  • The purpose of this article is to evaluate effects of self-determination theory-based on-campus and off-campus prevention programs on smartphone overdependence among university students. This was a pre-posttest quasi-experimental study with a nonequivalent control group (CG). Sev...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 205 댓글 1
  • 198 미세먼지 기능성게임에서 AI 챗봇의 메시지유형이 건강행동의도에 미치는 효과
  • 일시 2022.08 학술지 한국게임학회 논문지 저자 장한진, 이원호, 노기영
  • This research explores the effects and factors of messages containing the dangers of particulate matter and health information on players’ health behavioral intentions in a serious game environment. Data collection was performed as an experiment using AI chatbot system and playte...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 167 댓글 0
  • 197 Gender Representation in Rwandan Music Videos
  • 일시 2022.08 학술지 Communicatio 저자 Tessa Djamilla Rwubaka, Michael Prieler
  • This study analysed gender representations in a sample of 100 Rwandan music videos. Some of our findings were in accordance with those of previous studies focusing on other countries, including the findings that in videos men clearly outnumber women and women are sexually objecti...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 228 댓글 1
  • 196 The Value of Having An Initial Word Recognition Score for A Precise Prognosis of Idiopathic Sudden S…
  • 일시 2022.08 학술지 Auris Nasus Larynx 저자 C Kwak, YJ Seo, CY Yoon, JH Lee, W Han
  • Although the hearing thresholds of patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) closely relate to the prognosis that results in progressive floor effects, many studies have usually used hearing thresholds as the main outcome of the measurement of prognostic...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 1461 댓글 4
  • 195 Exploring the Psychological Mechanism Underlying the Effect of COVID-19 Information Exposure via Dig…
  • 일시 2022.05 학술지 Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 저자 Ji Hye Choi, Ghee-Young Noh
  • Despite the increasing use of digital media and their powerful impact on risk management during recent outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases, the question of how digital media exposure influences preventive behaviors has not been fully explained. Using the appraisal tendency ...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 172 댓글 0
  • 194 Analysis of the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Model of Healthcare Professionals on Hearing Loss…
  • 일시 2022.05 학술지 Healthcare 저자 C Kwak, YJ Seo, KH Park, W Han
  • Due to a lack of knowledge about age-related hearing loss, its early identification and appropriate intervention are not being carried out in the field of dementia care. Since the untreated hearing loss of the elderly leads to a more rapid cognitive decline, the present study aim...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 160 댓글 0
  • 193 Cognitive and Affective Routes to the Adoption of Protective Behaviors Against Health Risks of PM2. …
  • 일시 2022.04 학술지 Health Communication 저자 Joon Soo Lim, Jun Zhang
  • The current research examines how risk appraisals of PM2.5 influence Chinese people’s behavioral intentions to adopt government-recommended protective behaviors through negative affect. In testing the appraisal-based protective behavior model, this research also takes institution...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 188 댓글 0
  • 192 Fear Appeal Effectiveness in Antismoking Campaigns: Do Anger and Smoking Matter?
  • 일시 2021.11 학술지 Psychology, Health & Medicine 저자 Jae-Seon Jeong, Jounghwa Choi, Ghee-Young Noh
  • Although fear appeals are widely used in health campaigns, empirical studies have produced conflicting results regarding their effectiveness. To understand the impact of fear appeal in health campaigns, this study investigates the relationship between fear, anger, and smoking sta...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 215 댓글 1
  • 191 Testing Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) in the Korean COVID-19 context: Effect of Moral In…
  • 일시 2021.11 학술지 Frontiers in Public Health 저자 Changhyun Ahn, Ghee-Young Noh
  • Despite the possible social implications of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), previous studies of the extended parallel processing model (EPPM) in the context of COVID-19 overlooked the emotional aspects when processing fear-inducing COVID-19-related messages. Drawing upon...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 162 댓글 0
  • 190 The Impact of Emotion and Government Trust on Individuals’ Risk Information Seeking and Avoidance du…
  • 일시 2021.11 학술지 Journal of Health Communication 저자 J Ahn, HK Kim, LA Kahlor, L Atkinson, GY Noh
  • This study examines the emotional mechanisms of how public trust in the governments’ actions to address the COVID-19 pandemic shapes individuals’ risk information-seeking and avoidance.
  • 최고관리자 01-16 178 댓글 0
  • 189 Gender and Cultural Differences in the Relationships between Self-Esteem Contingency, Body Talk, and…
  • 일시 2021.11 학술지 Children 저자 J Choi, Y Chung, HE Lee, M Prieler
  • This study analyzed the positive and negative body talk of male and female adolescents cross-culturally with an emphasis on the role of appearance-contingent and others’ approval-contingent self-worth. A cross-national survey in Austria, Belgium, Spain, and South Korea among 12- ...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 228 댓글 1
  • 188 The Impact of Presence on Learning Transfer Intention in Virtual Reality Simulation Game
  • 일시 2021.08 학술지 SAGE Open 저자 Doo-Hun Choi, Ghee-Young Noh
  • The three-dimensional (3D) virtual reality content is widely used for educational and training purposes, and there has been interest in how virtual reality environments influence users’ learning effect. Analyzing survey data collected from a game play, this study examined how pre...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 170 댓글 0
  • 187 코로나 19 초기에 정부 신뢰가 다채널 정보 추구에 미치는 영향: 정보 불충분성과 감정 반응의 매개 역할
  • 일시 2021.04 학술지 한국광고홍보학보 저자 안지수, 구윤희, 노기영
  • This study aims to examine the relationships among trust in government, negative and positive affects, information insufficiency, and multichannel information seeking in the context of COVID-19, based on risk information seeking and processing model. The data of 1,500 participant...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 228 댓글 2
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