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Total 200건 12 페이지
  • 35 Effects of Body Image on College Students’ Attitudes Toward Diet/Fitness Apps on Smartphones
  • 일시 2015. 01 학술지 CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 18(1) 저자 J. H. Cho, Margaret M. Quinlan, D. J. Park, G. Y. Noh
  • Considering the increasing use of diet/fitness apps, this study aimed to investigate how four factors related to body image—evaluations of and orientations toward both appearance and fitness—impact college students’ perception of the usefulness of such apps
  • 최고관리자 11-03 1094 댓글 0
  • 34 사실적 효과음이 게임 사용자들의 감정에 미치는 영향
  • 일시  학술지  저자 
  • This study aimed to examine the effect of acoustic factor recognized as subsidiary means in the game environment
  • 최고관리자 11-03 762 댓글 0
  • 33 폭력적 게임의 시청행위와 게임행위의 부정적 감정효과에 대한 실험연구
  • 일시 2014. 11 학술지 한국게임학회지 14(6) 저자 윤주성, 방영주, 노기영
  • People generally think that negative effects of violent game contents are more serious in active playing behavior than passive watching video.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 781 댓글 0
  • 32 소셜 네트워크 서비스 활용 수업에서의 교육적 효과 고찰
  • 일시 2014. 11 학술지 컴퓨터교육학회논문지 17(6) 저자 권명숙, 간진숙, 김진환
  • The study has compared the effects in SNS-utilized instruction that each of self centric activities and social interaction added social activities affected self initiative, attitudes and self efficacy to information technology respectively
  • 최고관리자 11-03 733 댓글 0
  • 31 Determinants of Adoption of Smartphone Health Apps among College Students
  • 일시 2014. 11 학술지 American Journal of Health Behavior 저자 J.H. Cho, Margaret M. Quinlan, D. J. Park, G. Y. Noh
  • To examine the effects of cognitive and contingent factors on the adoption of smartphone health apps, focusing on the technology acceptance model (TAM).
  • 최고관리자 11-03 900 댓글 0
  • 30 지방공무원의 건강관련 특성과 직무스트레스 실태
  • 일시 2014. 10 학술지 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society 16(5) 저자 김은희, 권명순, 노기영
  • 본 연구는 지방공무원의 건강관련 특성과 직무스트레스를 파악하고, 이에 영향을 주는 요인을 파악하기 위한 서술적 조사 연구이다. 본 연구는 일개도청에 근무하는 지방공무원 333명을 대상으로 실시하였으며, 일반적 특성, 건강관련 특성을 확인하고 일반적 특성, 건강관련 특성에 따른 직무스트레스를 파악하였다.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 786 댓글 0
  • 29 Influential Factors for Effective Policy Communication : Communicating Policies on Elderly Welfare t…
  • 일시 2014. 08 학술지 홍보학연구 18(3) 저자 Giang Pham, Jounghwa Choi, Myung Soon Kwon
  • As the South Korea population entered into an ageing society in 2000, elderly welfare policies have become an important political agenda. To prepare for the ageing society, the government not only needs to reform its retirement system, but also needs to elicit voluntary support f...
  • 최고관리자 11-03 1126 댓글 0
  • 28 Broadening the Scope of Social Media Effect Research on Body Image Concerns
  • 일시 2014. 08 학술지 Sex Roles 71 저자 Michael Prieler, Jounghwa Choi
  • The article “Social media effects on young women’s body image concerns: Theoretical perspectives and an agenda for research” by Perloff (2014) extends the study of media effects on women’s body image concerns by including social media.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 992 댓글 0
  • 27 "개인화된 규범적 피드백"이 대학생 절주 의도에 미치는 효과
  • 일시 2014. 07 학술지 한국광고홍보학보 16(3) 저자 최정화, 박동진, 김도진
  • The present study explores the effects of personalized normative feedbacks (PNF) on college students` drinking behaviors, Specifically, we attempted to explore the effects that injunctive and descriptive PNF have on college students`
  • 최고관리자 11-03 678 댓글 0
  • 26 지역기반 만성질환 원격진료서비스 수용모델
  • 일시 2014. 06 학술지 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 14(8) 저자 노기영, 권명순, 장한진
  • For this purpose, the effect factors and variables for Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were investigated through a structural equation model by performing a sample survey for 210 senior patients who are under treatment with telemedicine in Kangwon area in 2013
  • 최고관리자 11-03 704 댓글 0
  • 25 자연적 인터페이스가 노년층 사용자의 게임경험과 감정반응에 미치는 효과
  • 일시 2014. 06 학술지 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 27(2) 저자 노기영, 손범철
  • The purpose of this study is to conduct basic research on development of game interface for the elderly byverifying the difference in user experience based on the type of interface.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 662 댓글 0
  • 24 강원도 보건진료소 고혈압 환자의 원격관리시스템 적용 효과
  • 일시 2014. 06 학술지 보건교육건강증진학회지 31(2) 저자 권명순, 노기영, 최정화
  • This study is to identify the effects of utilizing a telemedicine service system on patients with hypertension at homein rural areas. Methods: The study was designed to be a retrospective case-control study.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 690 댓글 0
  • 23 3D 입체영상 게임의 사용자경험 실험연구 : 실재감, 각성, 기억, 뇌 활동패턴
  • 일시 2014. 06 학술지 사이버커뮤니케이션학보 31(2) 저자 노기영, 박동진, 장한진
  • 본 연구는 플레이테스트 실험처치방법을 통해 3D 입체영상게임의 실재감, 각성, 기억 효과를 2D 게임과 비교, 분석하였다. 실험결과 3D게임은 사용자경험으로서 실재감에 영향을 주었으며, 각성과 기억 효과의 경우도 3D게임이2D게임에 비해 더 높은 것으로 나타났다.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 726 댓글 0
  • 22 Cognitive factors of using health apps
  • 일시 2014. 05 학술지 Journal of medical Internet research 저자 J. H. Cho, D. J. Park, H. Erin Lee
  • Interest in smartphone health apps has been increasing recently. However, we have little understanding of the cognitive and motivational factors that influence the extent of health-app use.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 853 댓글 0
  • 21 Smoking cessation apps for smartphones
  • 일시 2014. 02 학술지 Journal of medical Internet research 저자 J. H. Choi, G. Y. Noh, D.J. Park
  • Smartphones are increasingly receiving attention from public health scholars and practitioners as a means to assist individuals’ health management.
  • 최고관리자 11-03 798 댓글 0
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