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Total 200건 2 페이지
  • 185 Website Interactivity and Processing: Menu Customization and Sense of Agency Are Keys to Better Inte…
  • 일시 2021.03 학술지 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 저자 J Ahn, JM Park, WH Lee, GY Noh
  • Particulate matter (PM) pollution is a serious issue in Korea, but people are not actively engaged in preventive actions. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a PM website that includes interactive features where users can easily learn PM information; further, we aimed to explo...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 188 댓글 0
  • 184 Information Seeking Behavior about Obesity among South Koreans: Applying the Risk Information Seekin…
  • 일시 2021.03 학술지 Journal of Applied Communication Research 저자 Doo-Hun Choi, Ghee-Young Noh
  • Using national online panel survey data (N = 1,000) in South Korea, this study applied the Risk Information Seeking and Processing (RISP) model to examine how people are motivated to seek information about obesity. We added autonomous motivation and health consciousness to the RI...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 164 댓글 0
  • 183 COVID-19 정보 패널의 메시지 상호작용성이 예방 행위 의도에 미치는 영향: 우연성 매개모델
  • 일시 2021.01 학술지 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 저자 이원호, 노기영
  • This study analyzed the effectiveness of the COVID-19 information panel function, which is fixedly exposed at the top of the web page when a keyword related to COVID-19 is searched on an online search engine. Specifically, it was attempted to analyze whether message interactivity...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 126 댓글 0
  • 182 Website Interactivity’s Effects on Revisit Intention: A Moderated-Mediation Analysis of the Particul…
  • 일시 2021.01 학술지 International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 저자 J Ahn, MJ Choe, CY Kim, GY Noh
  • This study uses four manipulated versions of a website that provides particulate matter (PM) information, by differentiating the degree of interactivity of website features, to examine the effect of interactivity on systematic processing and behavioral intention. The data from th...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 158 댓글 0
  • 181 The Relationships among Self-Worth Contingency on Others’ Approval, Appearance Comparisons on Facebo…
  • 일시 2021.01 학술지 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 저자 Michael Prieler, Jounghwa Choi, Hye Eun Lee
  • The present study examined the relationship between appearance-related social comparison on social networking services (SNSs) and body esteem in a cross-cultural context (three European countries, i.e., Austria, Belgium, and Spain, versus one Asian country, i.e., South Korea). Th...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 169 댓글 0
  • 180 Changes in Psychoacoustic Recognition and Brain Activity by Types of Fire Alarm
  • 일시 2021.01 학술지 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 저자 S You, W Han, HJ Jang, GY Noh
  • In public, the role of a fire alarm is to induce a person to a certain recognition of potential danger, resulting in that person taking appropriate evacuation action. Unfortunately, the sound of the fire alarm is not internationally standardized yet, except for recommending the u...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 228 댓글 1
  • 179 Investigating the Negative-Cognitive-Triad-Hypothesis of News Choice in Germany and South Korea: Doe…
  • 일시 2021.01 학술지 The Social Science Journal 저자 S Scherr, F Arendt, M Prieler, Y Ju
  • Research has constantly revealed that depressive symptoms usually include negative cognitions about the world, the future, and the self, termed the negative cognitive triad. More recently, research on the stress generation hypothesis found that depressed individuals self-select t...
  • 최고관리자 01-16 155 댓글 0
  • 178 미세먼지 공포소구가 예방행동의도에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감, 반응효능감, 지각된 위협의 조절된 매개효과
  • 일시 2020.12 학술지 사이버커뮤니케이션학보 저자 장한진, 노기영
  • 본 연구는 확장된 병행과정모델(EPPM)을 이용하여 지각된 위협과 효능감 수준에 따른 공포소구 메시지의 효과를 알아보았다. 특히, 미세먼지를 나타내는 이미지의 공포소구의 강도에 따라 수용자가 느끼는 위협과 효능감의 지각 및 예방행동의도에 미치는 영향을 조절된 매개분석을 통해 알아보았다.
  • 최고관리자 01-15 106 댓글 0
  • 177 Social Representation of “Hearing Loss” Among People with Hearing Loss: An Exploratory Cross-Cultura…
  • 일시 2020.12 학술지 J Am Acad Audiol 저자 Srikanth Chundu, Vinaya Manchaiah, Woojae Han, et al.
  • Background: Hearing loss can have an effect on the physical, psychosocial, and cognitive wellbeing of an individual. Despite the research on attitudes and stigma associated with hearing loss, people with hearing loss (PHL) continue to delay seeking help. Thus, it is vital to look...
  • 최고관리자 01-15 148 댓글 0
  • 176 The Correlation Function of Communication in an Emotional Domain Observed in the Effect of Media on …
  • 일시 2020.12 학술지 Health Communication 저자 Youngkee Ju, Myoungsoon You
  • The media correlation function has mainly been evaluated in cognitive domains from theoretical perspectives, such as agenda-setting, framing, or priming. Here we examined the correlation function in an emotional domain by investigating the association between media use and the de...
  • 최고관리자 01-15 132 댓글 0
  • 175 가상현실(VR) 기술이 미세먼지 위험인식에 미치는 영향
  • 일시 2020.11 학술지 한국소통학보 저자 최지혜, 노기영
  • Recently, virtual reality (VR) has been emerged as a promising tool to educate youth about risks involved in public health issues, With the issue of particulate matter (PM) air pollution in South Korea, this study aimed to explain how VR influences youth’s risk perception. Based ...
  • 최고관리자 01-15 119 댓글 0
  • 174 지각된 대기오염이 부정 정서, 신체증상 및 미래 조망에 미치는 영향
  • 일시 2020.10 학술지 한국융합학회논문지 저자 김소정, 박혜령, 이종선
  • Air pollution is a severe risk factor in public health. It is not only a cause of a variety of physical disorders but also attributable to mental health problems. This study aimed to investigate the differences on emotions, physical symptoms, future perspectives by perceived air ...
  • 최고관리자 01-15 121 댓글 0
  • 173 미세먼지에 대한 낙관적 편향, 미세먼지에 대한 인식, 미래시간 조망과 우울의 관계
  • 일시 2020.09 학술지 한국융합학회논문지 저자 임현빈, 이종선
  • The present study aims to investigate the sequential mediation model in the relationships between optimistic bias, subjective perception, risk perception, and the future time perspective in terms of a particulate matter and depression, using the sequential mediation model. An onl...
  • 최고관리자 01-13 132 댓글 0
  • 172 The Outrage Effect of Personal Stake, Familiarity, Effects on Children, and Fairness on Climate Chan…
  • 일시 2020.09 학술지 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 저자 Myoungsoon You, Youngkee Ju
  • Outrage factors are perceived characteristics of risk that provoke emotional responses and influence risk perception. Although several studies examined how multiple influences affect climate change risk perception, outrage factors have not been comprehensively assessed in the con...
  • 최고관리자 01-13 182 댓글 0
  • 171 Modeling Embitterment Dynamics: The Influence of Negative Life Events and Social Support Mediated by…
  • 일시 2020.09 학술지 Journal of Affective Disorders 저자 Myoungsoon You, Youngkee Ju
  • Background:Embitterment is an emotional state as a reaction to negative life events and is characterized as a nagging and burning feeling of being let down, insulted, or being a loser, and of being revengeful but helpless. There have been few studies concerning embitterment dynam...
  • 최고관리자 01-13 207 댓글 0
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