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위험 정보 처리가 예방 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 미세먼지 정보의 체계적 처리와 주변적 처리를 중심으로

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 3건 조회 887회 작성일 21-04-25 15:54



Objectives: This study examined how risk perception and negative affect response influenced preventive behavioral intention in the context of particulate matter. We tested the extended model by adding preventive behavioral intention to the risk information seeking and processing (RISP) model. Methods: Data for this study came from a nation-wide online survey with an interview 1,500 respondents in South Korea. Using SEM analysis to examine key variables, we found that the goodness of fit to the model was acceptable. Results: Findings showed that risk perception and negative affect responses were positively related to preventive intention through information insufficiency and systematic processing. Negative affect responses were not only a predictor for insufficiency, but also mediated the relationship between risk perception and insufficiency and between risk perception and information processing. Insufficiency was positively related to systematic processing and preventive intention. When insufficiency was low, there was a tendency to process information heuristically. Heuristic processing had a negative effect on preventive intention. Conclusions: From our findings, in oder for risk perception of particulate matter to influence the preventive behavioral intention, it was effective to include perceived risk of particulate matter or provide information that triggered negative affect responses so that information was not processed heuristically.


구윤희, 김활빈, 노기영. (2020). 위험 정보 처리가 예방 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 미세먼지 정보의 체계적 처리와 주변적 처리를 중심으로. 홍보학 연구, 24(2), 28-51.


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